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Rabu, 05 September 2012

Danshi & Conquest Little Busters!

Kali ini, aku akan membahas tentang Little Buster!
Berhubung di musim gugur bulan depan di Jepang VN ini akan dibuat animenya.
Aku sangat tidak sabar untuk menontonnya.Selain itu juga, VN ini merupakan salah VN top 10 buatku. Kenapa? Karena ceritanya yang begitu complex bisa dimengerti dengan mudah. Dan juga terdapat rute cerita yang harus di disusun secara cermat untuk bisa mendapatkan True Ending-nya.
Aku harus berhenti berbicara dulu mengenai kekagumanku terhadap Little Busters!
Karena tidak akan habisnya jika aku bercerita terus menerus.

 Komari -> Rin -> Kurugaya -> Haruka -> Kud -> Mio -> Rin

Baiklah kali ini aku akan berbagi kepada siapa saja yang ingin mendapatkan semua rute ending dari setiap karakter cewe yang terdapat di dalamnya.
Saa Hajimemashou!

 "Ingat ikuti susunan rute untuk bisa menamatkannya"
"Tanda "***" adalah pilihan wajib"

Karakter pertama Komari
5/17 Go to the rooftop
5/18 Go buy juice
Take on the task
5/21 Komari
5/22 Go back to the classroom (CG)

5/23 Quit
Go to the rooftop
Get something to drink
Talk to her
5/24 Go and get something to drink
Help her out
5/27 You should probably go on a sunny day
5/28 Go to the rooftop
----- Leave her alone
----- Face reality head on
----- Pretend not to notice anything

Karakter Kedua Rin
5/14 Watch for a while (CG)
5/15 Go look for her
Watch for a while (CG)
5/16 Follow after Rin
Watch for a while
5/17 Run after Rin
Watch for a while
5/19 Look for Rin
Watch for a while
5/21 Rin
5/22 Go to the cafeteria
Go (CG available after Rin1)
5/23 Watch for a while
Keep helping her out
5/24 Look for the cat

Karakter Ketiga Kurugaya
5/17 Watch the battle
 5/18 Stay in the courtyard
5/21 Go buy juice ***
Look for her
Good intentions

Go see what they're talking about
5/22 Go find her ***
Go to the backyard ***
Listen carefully ***
Go see what they're talking about
5/23 Quit ***
Get something to drink
Go see what they're talking about
5/24 Go see what they're talking about
5/27 You should probably go on a sunny day ***
5/28 Go to the cafeteria ***
Don't talk to her ***
----- Feign ignorance ***
----- Forwards ***
----- I can't give up... ***

Karakter Keempat Haruka
5/15 Lend it to her
5/16 Take it
Get involved (CG)
5/17 Look for it
Don't go to the rooftop
5/18 Go buy juice
Take on the task
5/21 Haruka
5/22 Go to the cafeteria ***
Haruka-san ***
5/23 Quit ***
Go to the cafeteria
Help her
5/24 Look for the cat
5/27 You should probably go on a sunny day ***
5/28 Go to the cafeteria ***
Ask what happened ***
----- Head to the meeting room
----- Ask for the truth ***
----- Check it out ***
----- Continue searching for Haruka-san ***
----- Saw it in the class register ***
----- Heard it from Futaki-san
----- Yes ***
----- I understand ***
----- That's a good idea ***
----- Accept her condition ***
----- Don't give up ***
----- Give up

 Karakter Kelima Kud
5/16 Help her look for a roommate ***
5/18 Me
(Choose a roommate!)
What did you ask?
5/19 Help her ***

5/22 Nodded ***
5/23 Talk to Kud
Quit ***
Talk to them (Only if Mio's roommate)
5/24 Kud
5/27 Do you mind if I tag along? ***
----- She should go ***
----- I want her to stay

Karakter Keenam Mio
5/16 Help her look for a roommate
5/18 Nishizono-san
Stay in the courtyard ***
5/19 In the courtyard

5/21 Look for her ***
Good intentions ***
5/22 Go to the courtyard
5/23 Talk to Kud
Quit ***
Go to the courtyard ***
Talk to them
5/24 Go to the courtyard
5/27 You should probably go on a sunny day ***
5/28 Go to the courtyard ***
----- Midori ***
----- Good intentions ***
----- Bad intentions

Karakter Terakhir Rin "Again" 
  Ikuti seperti Rute sebelumnya
----- Go
----- Become stronger 
Di atas adalah pilihan yang akan muncul setelah menyelesaikan semua Rute pada setiap karakter cewe.

Untuk pilihan di Scene Bus pilih secara teliti kalau tidak akan mengakhiri cerita secara langsung yang artinya "GAME OVER"
Spoiler Rute Bus = Bisa di dapat setelah Menamatkan Rin saat kembali di menu awal akan muncul ikon "Refrain" pilih itu dan ikutilah pentunjuk ini (jika mau)
Scene untuk Rute Bus: Email me saja di Dadanshi@gmail.com (lol) 8)

Sekian dari saya mohon maaf kalau hanya begini saja (^0^)m

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