Danshi no Blog - Selamat siang semuanya teman-teman, hari ini aku kembali lagi untuk memberikan laporan dari kegiatan "Conquest"-ku terhadap berbagai macam VN yang aku mliki. Saat ini sudah beberapa macam VN yang telah aku selesaikan dan salah satunya adalah VN yang akan aku bahas ini. VN ini berjudul Cat Girl Alliance atau yang dikenal dengan nama Koneko Doumei, sangat menarik dan patut dcoba untuk teman-teman sekalian.

Ayo kita mulai saja melakukan Conquest-nya
Azumi Shizuko

02. It looks good for your body
03. Take her hand
04. Don't tell me you like guys, too?!
05. Thank goodness
06. Soft serve ice cream
07. Pick Shizuko
08. Shizuko and the library
09. Speak plainly
10. Refuse flat out
11. Shizuko
12. What do you want to do, Masayoshi?
13. Call out to Shizuko
14. Protect Shizuko
15. Choose Shizuko
16. Shizuko and Rumi
17. I want Shizuko to wear it
18. Play with Natsuki
19. Don't go
20. It's terrible!
21. Don't stay
22. Just being together with you is enough
23. Alone with Shizuko after all
Takahata Rumi
01. Go to the nurse's office instead
02. That's why you're such a slow eater
03. A sudden move would be bad
04. Are you trying to set me up with Rumi?
05. She might be the type who studies secretly...
06. A vibrator
07. Pick Natsuki
08. Help Rumi

09. Show her my manly side
10. Accept the situation
11. Shizuko
12. Wouldn't that be okay?
13. Run after Natsuki
14. Run away
15. Choose Natsuki
16. Shizuko and Rumi
17. I want Natsuki to wear it
18. Be with Rumi
19. Don't go
20. It's delicious!
21. Stay behind
22. Make a pun in desperation
23. No, choose to be with Rumi
Misawa Natsuki
01. Go to the nurse's office instead
02. That's why you're such a slow eater

04. Don't tell me you like guys, too?!
05. She might be the type who studies secretly...
06. A vibrator
07. Pick Natsuki
08. Help Rumi
09. Change the subject
10. Accept the situation
11. Natsuki-chan
12. Wouldn't that be okay?
13. Run after Natsuki
14. Run away
15. Choose Natsuki
16. Natsuki
17. I want Natsuki to wear it
18. Play with Natsuki
19. Don't go
20. It's delicious!
21. Stay behind
22. Make a pun in desperation
23. Alone together with Natsuki
Sekian dulu pembahasannya dilain kesempatan aku akan selalu memberikan nformasi terbaru mengenai kegiatan "Conquest"-ku untuk VN yang saat ini aku belum coba.
Sampai jumpa lagi teman-teman dan sehat selalu! Salam ( ' w ')=oo=(* v * ) #BrosFists
Sumber Gambar: 1)fevergame.net; 2-4)animecharactersdatabase.com
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