VN yang akan ku perkenalkan ini kepada teman2 sekalian berjudul Goshujin-sama Daisuki atau bahasa arabnya adalah We Love Master. Baru saja aku menyelesaikan 2 VN dan yang paling aku favoritkan adalah VN ini. Jujur saja aku sangat menyukai Comedy dan Hubungan Cinta yang terjadi antara tokoh utama yang pervert dengan pure heroine. Aku berkata uWAT? Kok Bisa! Aku tidak menyangka kalau ceritanya tidak akan menuju ending per-orang melainkan ke Happy-End, Penasaran?
Ayo mulai saja kita lakukan "Conquest"-nya.

- Choose Sakura.
- (Pilih salah satu)
- Make Sakura do it.
- Shoot it all over her body.
- Make Sakura do it.
- Watch Sakura at work.
- Sakura is the last one?
- Initiate an investigation.
- Don't explain.
- Call Sakura and Hime.
- Come on her.
- Choose Sakura.
- Come inside her mouth. / Shoot it on her face.
- Call all the girls and Ema.
- Have Sakura and Hime do it.
- I want to make a big annoucement.
- (Pilih Salah Satu)
Ending 2 : Keluarga
- Choose Kuu.
- (Pilih Salah Satu)
- Make Kuu do it.
- Shoot my load inside her pussy.
- Make Kuu do it.
- Pay Kuu a vist.
- Kuu is the last one?
- Initiate an investigation.
- Don't explain.
- Call Kuu and Ema.
- Come inside her.

- (Pilih Salah Satu)
- Call all the girls and Ema.
- Have Kuu and Ema do it.
- We're going to stop going to school.
- Call Sakura and Kuu.
Ending 3 : Harem
- Choose Hime.
- Make Hime do it.
- Shoot my load inside her pussy.
- Make Hime do it.
- Check up on Hime.
- Hime is the last one?
- Observe the situation for a while.
- Explain.
- Call Sakura and Hime.
- Take a bath.
- ...take the limo to school, as usual.
- Keep Sakura too.
- Call Hime and Ema.
- Play with Hime.
- Then, let's get moving!
Ending 4 : Pensiun
- Choose Hime.
- Make Hime do it.
- Shoot my load inside her pussy.
- Make Hime do it.
- Check up on Hime.
- Hime is the last one?
- Observe the situation for a while.
- Don't explain.
- Call Kuu and Ema.
- Rest in my room.
- ...take the train to school.
- Keep Hime too.
- Call Sakura and Kuu.
- (Pilih Salah Satu)
- There's no rush.
Sekian dan sampai disini dulu mungkin selanjutnya akan aku bahas lagi mengenai VN kedua yang telah aku coba Conquest-kan hari kemarin. Karena sekarang lagi banyak waktu luang maka aku bisa menikmati hidup ini hha.
Sehat selalu dan Salam ( ^ - ^)=oo=(' w ' ) #BrosFists
Sumber Gambar: 1)Creaneanime.com; 3)infinityzero.tistory.com
Sumber Gambar: 1)Creaneanime.com; 3)infinityzero.tistory.com
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