- Young girls.
- It's used but do you want this one?
- Talk back to her.
- Thank you.
- Refuse her offer.
- You have to fire up more.
- Yes, I did.
- Ask her if she saw it.
- ...Not quite.
- I try to understand.
- I envy your motivation.
- Ok, I'll try my best.
- Touch her butt.
- Too delicious!
- Tell her it's bad.
- Sure I did.
- Wow, you're good at it.
- No! It's not fun at all.
- Don't bother me now.
- Shall we practice together?
- Gently warn her.
- This is the only thing I can do.
- Don't worry. Great job!
- I don't know.
- Tell her I'm working.
- I'm discouraged with my stupidity.
- I want to stay cool.
- I worry about you.
- So it must be fast AND precise.
- Shall we practice more?
- Choose Tsugumi
- I understand her feelings.
- Tell her honestly.
- I'll make you some delicious curry.
- Don't tell her.
- But I wonder if I can do the same.
- It's too late now.
- Agree with Tsugumi.
- It's just like Tsugumi.
Aihara Hina

- Young girls.
- It's used but do you want this one?
- Talk back to her.
- Thank you.
- Refuse her offer.
- You have to fire up more.
- Yes, I did.
- Ask her if she saw it.
- ...Not quite.
- I try to understand.
- I envy your motivation.
- Ok, I'll try my best.
- Praise her butt.
- I don't like Japanese stuff.
- Tell her nicely.
- Sure I did.
- Wow, you're good at it.
- No! It's not fun at all.
- Don't bother me now.
- Shall we practice together?
- Gently warn her.
- This is the only thing I can do.
- Don't worry. Great job!
- I don't know.
- Tell her I'm working.
- I'm discouraged with my stupidity.
- Mr. Murase's spirit moved me.
- I worry about you.
- So it must be fast AND precise.
- Shall we practice more?
- Promise me you won't do that again.
- Choose Hina
- Tsugumi is clumsy too.
- It's nothing.
- Do you have a problem with that?
- Don't tell.
- I wonder if I can do the same.
- Thank you for your concern.
- Am I rash?
- Continue to watch.
Yuuki Kobato

- Young girls.
- It's used but do you want this one?
- Talk back to her.
- Thank you.
- Refuse her offer.
- You have to fire up more.
- No, I didn't.
- Ask her if she saw it.
- ...Not quite.
- I try to understand.
- I envy your motivation.
- Ok, I'll try my best.
- Praise her butt.
- I don't like Japanese stuff.
- Tell her nicely.
- Sure I did.
- Wow, you're good at it.
- No! It's not fun at all.
- Don't bother me now.
- Shall we practice together?
- Gently warn her.
- This is the only thing I can do.
- Don't worry. Great job!
- I don't know.
- Tell her I'm working.
- I'm discouraged with my stupidity.
- Mr. Murase's spirit moved me.
- I worry about you.
- So it must be fast AND precise.
- Shall we practice more?
- Promise me you won't do that again.
- Choose Kobato
- I really enjoyed today.
- I love you, Kobato.
- Tell her honestly.
- Do you have a problem with that?
- Tell her.
- I wonder if I can do the same.
- It's too late now.
- I'll be on Kobato's side.
Yuuki Chidori- Women.
- It's used but do you want this one?
- Tell her the truth.
- Thank you.
- ... Can you take care of me?
- Another brand-new day, huh?
- Yes, I did.

- Ask her if she saw it.
- ...Not quite.
- I try to understand.
- I envy your motivation.
- Ok, I'll try my best.
- Praise her butt.
- Too delicious!
- Tell her nicely.
- Sure I did.
- Wow, you're good at it.
- No! It's not fun at all.
- Don't bother me now.
- Shall we practice together?
- Gently warn her.
- This is the only thing I can do.
- Don't worry. Great job!
- I don't know.
- Tell her I'm working.
- I'm discouraged with my stupidity.
- Mr. Murase's spirit moved me.
- I worry about you.
- So it must be fast AND precise.
- Shall we practice more?
- Promise me you won't do that again.
- Choose Chidori
- You stay here.
- I like Chidori the most.
- Tell her honestly.
- I'll make you some delicious curry.
- Don't tell her.
- I wonder if I can do the same.
- Thank you for your concern.
Yuuki Misago
- Women.
- It's used but do you want this one?
- Talk back to her.
- Don't worry. I'm okay.
- Refuse her offer.
- Another brand-new day, huh?
- Yes, I did.
- Yell at her for seeing it.
- ...Not quite.
- I'll leave!
- I envy your motivation.
- Ok, I'll try my best.
- Praise her butt.
- Too delicious!
- Tell her nicely.
- Sure I did.
- Wow, you're good at it.
- No! It's not fun at all.
- Don't bother me now.
- Shall we practice together?
- Gently warn her.
- This is the only thing I can do.
- Don't worry. Great job!
- I don't know.
- Tell her I'm working.
- I'm discouraged with my stupidity.
- Mr. Murase's spirit moved me.
- I worry about you.
- So it must be fast AND precise.
- Shall we practice more?
- Promise me you won't do that again.
- Choose Misago
- The soft melody is just like you.
- Agree with Misago.
- Tell her honestly.
- Do you have a problem with that?
- Don't tell her.
- I don't think I can do that.
- It's too late.
- Ask her what her favorite music is.
Bagaimana apa kalian sudah tahu bakal menjadi Ending apa? Kalau penasaran silakan untuk melakukan Conquest langsung di VN. Lalu, sampai disini dulu pembahasan mengenai VN Come to See Me Tonight. AKu harap bisa menghibur teman-teman sekalian.