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Selasa, 11 Maret 2014

Basic Bahasa Indonesia ---Edisi 2

Danshi no Blog - Good evening everyone. Today we'll learn about basic sentence from Indonesian language. From the last example. . I mean another post. Sorry about my english. Ehem. . In the last post I've given some Indonesian words to all of you friends. That was like the example of the everyday words. So in this post we'll continue what we left for.
Belajar bahasa indonesia

Are you with me friends?   #Wind    Whatever. . . So let's get it started.

Daily Life / Kehidupan Sehari-hari
1. "How are you?" = Apa kabarmu? / Piye kabare? / masih idup saja lo?
                                      Formal           Non-Formal      Non-Formal

2. "I am fine, thank you for asking it." = Kabar saya baik-baik saja, terima kasih sudah bertanya.

3. "Do you want to eat it something?" = Kabar saya baik-baik saja, terima kasih sudah bertanya.

4. "Have you had lunch?" = Kabar saya baik-baik saja, terima kasih sudah bertanya.

5. "Yes, I've had lunch." = Iya, saya sudah makan siang 

6. "
No, I'm on a diet." = Tidak, saya sedang diet

7. "Excuse me, I have to go now" = Maaf, saya harus pergi keluar sekarang

Another Unimportant Things / Hal yang tidak penting lainnya

1. "I love you" = Saya suka anda / Gue sayang ma loe / Ane cinte mati same lu gan
                                    Formal              Non-Formal                   Non-Formal

2. "This cake so delicious" = Kue ini sangat lezat/Kue iki muantap poll/Kue ini rasanyo maknyuusss
                                                     Formal                       Non-Formal                Non-Formal

3. "Your pets so cute" = Hewan peliharaanmu menggemaskan sekali / Peliharaan lo cantik banget
                                                     Formal                                                     Non-Formal

So the Basic Ball is end. After that what we should do. . . . Doesn't have idea? So see you tomorrow #Joking_Around
Next posts we are try studying about unimporant things. Exicited? I am not.  (j ' =o ')j (lol)  To be honest what the fox I write today. But whatever, unimportant things but maybe can help the others. I hope this lesson make all of you friends fully understand about Indonesian language. So see you again next time. Always in good condition & Greets ( ' w')=oo=(' 0 ' ) #BrosFists

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